We are exploring muscle testing for horses today.

Muscle testing is an alternative tool that is gaining popularity in equine care. You can use it to determine the best remedies for your horse and to formulate a personalized program tailored to its specific requirements.

An Introduction to Muscle Testing

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology or autonomic response therapy, has been gaining popularity in human and animal health practices. Applied kinesiology can be confused with the academic study of kinesiology, which focuses on human movement. However, muscle testing is a distinct diagnostic tool rooted in chiropractic care used to identify imbalances in the body.

Evolution and Application

Muscle testing has evolved into a safe and non-invasive diagnostic tool to identify blocks in the energy field surrounding the body, pinpoint specific problems, and provide insights into the course of diseases. It can be helpful to assess food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, and emotional imbalances in humans and animals.

Quantum Physics and Electromagnetic Fields

Muscle testing relies on quantum physics. Human and animal bodies are composed of particles and waves, with the electromagnetic field being a fundamental aspect that influences how energy flows through and around the body.

Energy and Frequency

The electromagnetic field and biophotons (light particles in DNA) play crucial roles in cellular communication and strengthening how energy fields impact overall health. Incoherent energy fields can weaken the organism, making it harder for healing to occur. Practitioners aim to align those fields to enhance the natural healing processes within the body.

Exploring Different Methods

You can apply different muscle testing techniques to assess imbalances and deficiencies within the body. You can use the muscle strength of a surrogate, which involves creating a biofeedback circuit with another person, or the sway method, where you observe how the body moves. You can also use the ring method or the pendulum method to tap into the energy field surrounding the body. For those new to muscle testing, it may be helpful to begin working with a partner or more experienced practitioner to build confidence and skill in interpreting results accurately.

The Role of Intention and Energy

The healing process starts with the intention of the practitioner. The energy fields of the practitioner and the horse interact, influencing the outcomes. So practitioners and horse owners must maintain high energy and positive intentions as they can significantly affect healing processes.

Knowledge and Openness

Effective muscle testing requires a deep understanding of equine health, nutrients, and conditions. Practitioners should remain open and free from preconceived notions, as biases can skew results. Trusting the diagnostic tool and being receptive to unexpected outcomes is crucial for accurate assessments and effective treatment plans.

Trusting the Process

Over time, I have learned to trust that muscle testing will lead me in the right direction, even when I do not fully understand the results. Sometimes, it takes a few months to see how test outcomes align with historical issues or emotional changes of a horse. It is essential to remain patient and trust the process, as understanding often comes with time.

Avoiding Personal Bias

Try not to let your personal beliefs or past experiences influence your muscle testing results. If a particular approach does not work, it is okay to reassess and try a different strategy. The goal is to stay objective and open-minded throughout the process.

Training Opportunities

I have training programs available for anyone who wants to delve deeper into muscle testing. My signature program, Healing Horses Their Way, is designed to provide a solid foundation of knowledge before diving into muscle testing. It starts in late February or early March each year.

Advanced Learning

After completing the foundational course, you can join me for a more advanced group where I explore muscle testing in greater depth. It includes practical, live events where you can apply your skills with real horses. I will announce the registration dates in the next few months.

Links and resources:

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Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally

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