The adrenal glands play a crucial role in keeping horses healthy and resilient.

My recent hands-on experience with horse dissections highlighted the importance of the adrenal glands for metabolism, hormone regulation, and stress response in horses.

When horse owners learn how the adrenal glands work and how chronic stress affects them, they can become far more effective in supporting the health and well-being of their horses.

The Role of the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands produce cortisol, ACTH, and DHEA, which regulate energy, influence immune function, and affect the overall hormone balance in horses. Horses are prey animals, so they tend to be on high alert. That means their adrenal glands are often working overtime. When a horse is under constant stress from its environment, emotions, or physical strain, it can lead to adrenal fatigue, affecting everything from metabolism to immune function.

Hormonal Imbalances and Their Effects

Horses with metabolic issues like PPID or insulin resistance often have adrenal dysfunction. High cortisol levels can lead to tissue breakdown, slow healing, and weaken the immune system. The adrenals also play a role in sex hormone production, as DHEA influences testosterone and estrogen levels. So adrenal health can affect everything, including the reproductive cycle of mares and the hormone balance of geldings. Understanding those connections helps horse owners make better health decisions.

The Impact of Chronic Inflammation and Stress

Many horses deal with low-grade inflammation from environmental toxins, poor diet, or chronic illness. With those issues, the adrenal glands keep pumping out cortisol, which, over time, can wear them out. When adrenal function drops, the pituitary gland produces more ACTH, which can contribute to metabolic disorders. To manage that, owners must reduce external stressors, like inadequate stable conditions and poor handling techniques, and internal stressors, such as diet and gut health.

Nutritional and Holistic Support

Supporting adrenal health in horses requires a combination of proper nutrition, stress reduction, and careful hormone management. Horses naturally produce vitamin C, but in times of stress, they may require supplementation. Other vital nutrients include minerals that help regulate adrenal function. Maintaining a balanced diet that promotes gut health can also reduce overall stress on the body, and providing horses with an environment that meets their instinctual needs for freedom, forage, and friendship is vital for reducing chronic stress.

Recognizing the Signs and Taking Action

As research into equine adrenal health progresses, more vets and equine professionals recognize the signs of adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms like persistent fatigue, poor coat quality, muscle wasting, and metabolic imbalances can indicate underlying adrenal stress. By taking a proactive approach to adrenal support through dietary improvements, environmental enrichment, and holistic care, owners can help prevent long-term health complications in their horses.

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