Elisha’s Podcast


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Last week, I introduced the principles of homeopathy. This week, I explore a practical example of an effective, all-round homeopathic remedy.

Arnica is a well-known homeopathic remedy I advise every horse owner to keep on hand because it is versatile, and we can use it for horses, dogs, cats, and even humans.

Join me to learn why Arnica is an indispensable remedy for your horse.

Arnica is a Member of the Sunflower Family

Arnica is a plant belonging to the sunflower family. It is easy to recognize because it looks like a yellow daisy. Arnica is native to Europe, some parts of the northern United States, and Canada. It is known to be toxic if consumed in large quantities. 

Harnessing the Power of Arnica in Homeopathy

Arnica is a homeopathic remedy that stimulates the natural processes of the body. The philosophy behind homeopathy is the principle of like cures like. Creating a homeopathic remedy involves diluting a substance to a point where it can no longer cause harm, alleviating symptoms instead. Scientific studies support the efficacy of Arnica, making it a valuable tool for all horse owners everywhere.

Effects and Safe Usage

In its crude form, Arnica can be toxic- especially to the liver. That has led the FDA and Health Canada to classify it as a poisonous herb. Despite Arnica being used historically for bruises and contusions, regulations now caution against its unrestricted sale. However, in its homeopathic form, Arnica becomes a safe and versatile remedy, suitable for horses in many situations, including post-surgery recovery.

Symptom-Based Application

The key to effectively utilizing Arnica lies in understanding its symptom profile. Arnica is an ideal remedy for trauma, bruising, and inflammation. It has also proven beneficial in scenarios like post-surgery, concussions, and arthritis. Arnica can be used effectively for pregnant mares during labor to help reduce soreness and bruising of the uterus.

Practical Tips for Arnica Application

When administering Arnica, always consider factors like potency and application methods. You will often find Arnica in health food stores at 30C or 12C, which will work for some issues, but I prefer 200C for acute situations. While pellets are common, liquid forms can sometimes be a little easier to administer to horses. It is essential to avoid adding Arnica to food to make sure that its vibrational nature gets preserved. Lastly, you must always adhere to the principle of using Arnica until you see some improvement, and stop using it if you see no changes occur within a reasonable timeframe.

A Game-Changer for Unexpected Injuries or Trauma

Being proactive is the key to being a responsible horse owner, and having Arnica on hand can be a game-changer in those unexpected moments of injury or trauma. Horses have a knack for getting into predicaments at the most inconvenient times- over weekends, late at night, or during storms when access to healthcare is unavailable. With Arnica readily available, you empower yourself to take immediate action to provide comfort and support to your equine companions. 

Links and resources:

Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website 

Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally

Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars.

Riva’s Remedies

We are diving into homeopathy for horses today.

I love and appreciate homeopathy, and I am studying to gain the necessary credentials to become a homeopath for humans. 

Homeopathy often gets misconstrued as synonymous with holistic or natural healing methods. But it is not. Homeopathy stands alone as a distinct type of medicine.

In today's episode, I explain the essence of homeopathy and explore its unique benefits for our equine companions.

An Introduction to Homeopathy for Horses

Homeopathy is not just another approach to healing. It is the second-largest system of medicine globally. Unfortunately, we are lagging in incorporating it into healthcare here in North America. Unlike other countries where homeopathy is widespread, many Americans remain unaware of its benefits- especially for horses. 

The Roots of Homeopathy

The roots of homeopathy trace back to the early 1800s, when Dr. Samuel Hahnemann explored the energetic aspects of various substances, ultimately leading to the development of the Law of Similars, a foundational philosophy of homeopathy.

Homeopathic Remedies and the Law of Similars 

Homeopathic remedies are derived from plants, animals, and minerals and operate on the principle of like cures like. Homeopathy matches the energetic profile of a substance to the symptoms of an individual, whether human or horse and stimulates a natural healing response. Controversies have arisen from skepticism about the effectiveness of highly diluted remedies. However, technological advancements like nanotechnology have shed light on the presence of particles beyond what could previously be detected conventionally.

Homeopathy is a Vibrational Medicine

Homeopathic remedies are diluted energetic forms that target specific symptoms, acting as an effective first aid option without any harmful side effects. Homeopathy aligns well with horses' natural chemistry and their sensitivity to energies. In contrast to allopathic medicine, homeopathic remedies work on a vibrational level as a gentle and holistic approach for horses.

The Benefits of Homeopathy for Horses

Homeopathy offers numerous benefits for horses, making it a safe, fast-acting, and environmentally friendly choice. With no harmful side effects, it is particularly advantageous for pregnant or lactating mares. Horses respond well to the vibrational nature of homeopathy, which offers relief from various conditions, including injuries, infections, and digestive issues.

Selecting Homeopathic Remedies

Choosing homeopathic remedies involves analyzing the symptoms and then selecting the appropriate ones. I like to have Arnica on hand for trauma, RhusToxicodendron for ligament strains, and Nux Vomica for digestive issues. Combination remedies, like Calm Aid or Trauma Drops, offer broader coverage for specific situations, and tissue aids target infections effectively.

Administering Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are administered orally. They can either be dissolved under the tongue or diluted in water for horses to ensure a clean application. 

A Versatile Option Healing Horses

Homeopathy is a versatile option for horses because it focuses on their symptoms and contributes to their overall well-being. The safety, efficacy, and environmental friendliness of homeopathy make it a valuable addition to the toolkit of all horse owners. You can find single remedies in health food stores, and Riva’s Remedies provides combination remedies specifically designed for horses. 

Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions in further episodes on the best ways to support the health and vitality of our beloved equine companions.

Links and resources:

Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website 

Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally

Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars.

Riva’s Remedies

Happy New Year, and welcome to the first episode of Healing Horses with Elisha for 2024! 

I am excited to kick this year off with a topic to spark your thoughts about health goals for your horses for 2024. In mid-February, I will host my free webinar series, called Become Your Horse’s Healer, again. Today, I will cover some of what I have discussed in that series to help you set your expectations for your horse's health in the coming year.

Understanding Healing Patterns

Horses usually respond to healing programs in four different ways. Some horses respond positively to a new program and show rapid improvement. Others experience a temporary worsening of their conditions as their bodies start the healing process, often marked by fatigue or increased inflammation. Some horses show initial improvement followed by a later setback, while others progress gradually.

Emotional and Physical Health Interplay

Healing is a complex journey involving physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. In addition to addressing the physical symptoms, owners must understand the emotional aspects that might impact their horse's wellbeing of their horse. Challenges may arise when a horse’s physical and emotional health are misaligned. Recognizing all the interconnected elements is essential for comprehensive care and successful healing.

Setting Realistic Expectations and Goals

When starting a health journey, it is essential to set realistic expectations. Each horse has a unique healing trajectory, and patience is paramount. Making rushed decisions due to having unrealistic expectations could lead to setbacks. Owners need to acknowledge their horse's individuality, taking their age, constitution, and any chronic conditions they may have into account. Horses with a more robust constitution and those at risk due to breed characteristics may respond differently. Understanding these factors allows owners to tailor their expectations and approaches accordingly. Setting achievable goals and celebrating small victories allow owners to navigate the healing process with more of a positive mindset.

Addressing Obstacles to Recovery

In some instances, despite your well-intentioned efforts, obstacles may still hinder your horse’s progress. That is why it is crucial to identify physical and emotional sources of toxicity, or address the lifestyle factors that impede the healing process. Gradual changes, observation, and responsiveness to the horse's cues help create a more effective healing environment.

Chronic Nature of Diseases and Pathology 

Chronic diseases in horses are particularly challenging. Conditions like side bone, ring bone, and bone remodeling in the feet or joints that show tissue changes complicate issues. Horse owners must learn to distinguish inflammation from degeneration because once tissues (especially bone) undergo changes, it complicates recovery. Setting realistic expectations is crucial for determining whether or not full recovery is possible. 

Genetic Predispositions and Melanomas 

Genetic predispositions, like melanomas or related conditions, impact a horse's health. (White and grey horses often have melanomas due to genetic factors.) Improvement is possible in those cases, especially when owners are able to recognize the genes that influence the disease expression. Managing a horse’s diet, nutrition, and lifestyle is crucial for modulating genetic expression and keeping detrimental genes turned off to mitigate the effects of those conditions.

Constitution and Environmental Factors 

The constitution of a horse gets influenced by factors starting in the womb. In some horses, constitutional weaknesses shows up as susceptibility to allergies or illnesses. Strengthening a horse's constitution is possible through proper care. With certain breeds, especially easy keepers predisposed to conditions like insulin resistance, owners may need to tailor their expectations to incorporate genetic and environmental factors.

Managing Expectations for Aging Horses 

Owners of senior horses must manage their expectations. They need to understand that complete recovery may not always be possible and shift their focus instead to preventing further damage and supporting connective tissue for prolonged mobility. Adjusting expectations for older horses with long-term conditions like PPIID involves looking for visible improvements, such as higher energy levels and reduced inflammation, rather than expecting rapid recovery.

Obstacles to Recovery 

It is essential to recognize any obstacles to recovery, like sources of toxicity or stressful lifestyle factors. Parasite infections, viruses, bacteria, and medications can all hinder progress. Emotional factors can also impact a horse's wellbeing. Identifying and addressing those obstacles requires a comprehensive approach. The absence of any change might suggest the need to reevaluate the strategy to pinpoint any elements omitted in the care plan. 

Emotional Connection Between Horses and Owners 

The emotional connection between horses and their owners is significant because it influences how the horse responds to stressors. Some horses may even prioritize the wellbeing of their owner over their health. 

Making Gradual Changes

Owners must make gradual changes to avoid becoming overwhelmed or overwhelming their horse. By changing one aspect at a time, owners can be more focused while assessing the horse's response, reducing guesswork and potential self-sabotage in their care plan.


Navigating a horse's health journey involves embracing the unpredictable nature of healing patterns and considering various factors influencing the recovery. By understanding those dynamics, owners can set realistic expectations, foster a positive healing environment, and celebrate the gradual progress that ultimately leads to improved wellbeing.

Free Webinar Series

I will release the sign-up information for my free webinar series before the webinar begins. Please check the opt-in page at the bottom of the show notes. 

Links and resources:

Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website 

Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving EquineMetabolic Syndrome Naturally

Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars.

Meet your host

Hi there, I’m Elisha Edwards

Meet your host

Hi there, I’m Elisha Edwards

I have helped guide thousands of horses back to good health over the years from a variety of different health challenges. And through my courses, webinars, and speaking engagements I educate and empower horse owner’s from around the world to take charge of their horse’s health using the holistic model of health care.

So I know first-hand how difficult and overwhelming it can be to navigate all the different opinions and conflicting information that you come across especially when your horse is faced with a health problem. In many cases, the journey is just as hard on the owners as it is on the horses.

I started Healing Horses with Elisha to guide you, support you, and encourage you through the process of prevention and recovery so you feel good about the decisions you’re making for them.

Here’s what I believe

I have seen countless horses with seemingly impossible health conditions that have been resolved so easily with the right combination of diet, nutrition, and natural remedies. In many cases, it is not the health conditions that prevents the horse from recovering, it is the lack of education, resources, and options that are available.

If the insight and information you gain from this podcast gives you some newfound hope or inspires you to take
a new approach then it has served it’s purpose.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you improve your horse’s health.
Keep listening and learning. Your horse is worth it.

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“Every time I think there is no way to top what you do – you elevate us to yet another level. I wish I had a fraction of your communication skills. You’re amazing and I am so grateful to be apart of the magic you are creating for horses and their humans.”


“Your podcasts are fantastic! I get so excited to listen to the next one. I have 6 geriatric horses and your podcast has really opened my mind to new possibilities in their health and given me the strength to help them through hiccups in their well-being the past few months. I have a nursing education and you explain pathology better than my university professors.”


“I can’t thank you enough for the Mindset Tips podcast. I really needed this reminder. It was just what I needed to hear to today.”
