Elisha’s Podcast

Ready to get your horses on the path to better health?
This podcast was created to do just that.
Tune in to get new insights, perspectives, horse health tips, and real-life horse healing stories.
Take what you learn and apply it to your horse TODAY.

One Conversation at a time
From learning what to feed your horse and how to use nutrition effectively, to practicing prevention and approaching specific health challenges naturally, to just bringing your horse more joy and better health…
I’ve got you covered!

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Dedicated owners want the best for their equine companions. However, understanding what is going on with a horse’s health can sometimes be puzzling. Creating a health profile for horses is a simple yet powerful tool to give owners deeper insight into the overall well-being of their horses. Writing their health history down on paper helps owners understand what is and is not working and how their diet, stress, or past issues might influence their condition, making it easier to fine-tune their care. Having a clear record also allows owners to spot trends over time, helping them make more informed health decisions for their horses. What to Include in a Health Profile Begin by documenting all major health events, including illnesses, injuries, emotional upheavals, and changes in diet or living conditions. Dates and ages matter as events like a severe infection or a drastic diet shift could have long-lasting effects. It is also important to note any lifestyle changes, like moving to a new barn or losing a companion, as those could impact the horse's physical and emotional health. Identifying Root Causes of Health Issues When assessing health problems, I focus on three primary causes: toxicity, stress, and nutrient deficiencies. By categorizing past and current health issues within those areas, you can start to see trends. Tracking those factors helps you understand the root cause of ongoing health struggles and make targeted changes. Creating a Healing Strategy After compiling their health history, the next step is identifying key themes. I use a healing layer approach, categorizing issues by organ systems like digestive health, immune function, hormonal balance, etc. If, for example, a horse repeatedly struggles with skin conditions, we may need to focus on immune support and detoxification rather than just treating surface symptoms. This method helps ensure that interventions are specific, effective, and sustainable. Fine-Tuning Diet and Supplements With a well-documented health profile, you can make smarter choices about nutrition and supplementation. Instead of throwing every possible remedy at the problem, you can tailor your approach based on your horse's needs. Some horses thrive with diet adjustments alone, while others require targeted supplementation or homeopathic remedies. The goal is to avoid wasting time, money, and energy on unnecessary treatments and focus instead on what will benefit your horse. Links and resources: Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars. We are officially opening enrollment for my signature program, Healing Horses Their Way 2025, which I was proud to launch in 2018! Every year, from late November to early December, we roll up our sleeves, set the dates, map out the plan, and fine-tune the details for the year ahead. Join me today for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at how we structure the program, what you will learn, the rollout date, and all the incredible benefits you can expect! This signature program has been a favorite among horse owners and practitioners since it launched in 2018. It has been designed to give you a strong foundation in holistic horse care and is packed with practical, easy-to-understand information to help you make the best choices for a healthy and happy horse. Updated in 2020 with even more resources, it is a hands-on, flexible learning experience perfect for horse lovers at any level. Caring for horses can feel like a solo adventure sometimes, especially if you live in a remote area. This course connects you with a worldwide community of like-minded people who share your passion. You will swap stories, share insights, and learn how horse care challenges are surprisingly universal, no matter where you are. The course spans 12 weeks and includes nine in-depth modules with a few pause weeks to allow you to work through the material at your own pace. Each module builds on the last, with practical exercises you can apply to any horse. The course starts by helping you view horse health from a new perspective. You will learn to look at the history of a horse, spot patterns, and connect the dots between symptoms and underlying issues. It is a whole-horse approach that considers mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual health, giving you a deep understanding of how the equine body works and reacts to care. In modules two and three, we dive into the fundamental aspects of anatomy, physiology, and diet. You will learn how to use food as medicine, tailoring the diet to address imbalances, intolerances, or allergies. By the end, you will know how to customize a feeding plan to meet the unique requirements of your horse. We also explore therapeutic nutrition, herbs, and homeopathy. You will learn to use vitamins, minerals, and natural remedies to tackle specific health challenges. These modules are all broken down into simple and easy-to-apply, actionable steps. In the later modules, we get into the nitty-gritty of hoof health, toxins, and parasites. You will learn how to spot common hoof issues, like thrush or long toes, and how to address them naturally. You will also learn strategies to minimize exposure to toxins and manage parasites in ways that keep your horse feeling their best. One of the highlights of this course is the final module, which has natural protocols for over 30 specific health issues. When you reach this point, you will have all the tools you need to create a personalized care program for your horse. You will also know how to track your horse's progress and adjust when necessary. The course is structured to fit into your busy life. The materials are released weekly, and there are live classes every Tuesday evening (with recordings if you cannot make it). There is also a private Facebook group where you can get extra support and connect with other participants, and quizzes you can complete along the way, and you will earn a certificate at the end. Registration opens mid-February, and the course kicks off on the 3rd of March. If you want to learn about holistic horse care and give your horse the gift of better health, this is the course for you! Join the waitlist on our website or email us at support@elishaedwards.com if you have any questions. Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars. Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally Register for Resolving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally, now. Boarding horses can be a solution for owners who do not have enough space or time for full-time care. However, owners often struggle with losing control over aspects like feeding, turnout, and herd dynamics. Finding a balance between the horse’s needs and how the boarding facility gets run can be difficult, but with the right approach, owners can set things up to work for themselves, the facility, and their horses. In areas where boarding facilities are limited, owners may have to go with the best available option rather than finding an ideal one. In those situations, owners should prioritize the key needs of their horse and aim for a setup that allows them to feel confident the horse is well cared for when they are not there. A horse’s welfare depends on access to forage, freedom of movement, and social interaction. A boarding facility that does not provide frequent forage feedings can contribute to stress, ulcers, and digestive issues. Extended stall confinement can lead to stress and behavioral issues, as horses need to move, graze, and socialize. When those needs go unmet, frustration builds. Solutions like increased turnout and exercise can help alleviate that stress and prevent any dangerous situations from arising. Creating a balanced environment for horses is crucial, as they are sensitive to the energies around them. So, owners must be patient and adopt a positive mindset when looking for the right boarding facility. Tension often arises between horse owners and boarding facility management. Owners want the best for their horses and may feel frustrated if their needs are not fully met, and boarding facilities have to consider their costs and the availability of their staff while treating all boarders fairly. Even though both perspectives are valid, unresolved frustration may lead to ongoing conflict. Horses are highly attuned to human emotions, and if their owner carries stress, tension, or frustration, they feel it too. Subtle physical signs like tight shoulders, restricted movement, or tension in their owners can influence how a horse perceives its surroundings, and a stressful environment can negatively impact its ability to heal and thrive. Clear communication is the key to reducing frustration. Owners should express their horse’s needs openly while also understanding the limitations of the facility. Likewise, boarding facilities should be upfront about what they can and cannot provide. Honest communication can prevent misunderstandings and foster a far more cooperative atmosphere. In less-than-ideal boarding situations, small changes can improve a horse’s well-being. Options like increased turnout, alternative hay choices, or adjusted pen arrangements can make a significant difference. The goal is to create a minimally stressful environment that allows the horse to feel safe and supported. Owners who board their horses must take responsibility for the needs of the horse while recognizing that perfection is not always possible. Instead of getting stuck in frustration, they should focus on making the most impactful changes they can. Whether it is improving socialization opportunities, reducing stall time, or ensuring better food access, those small adjustments can go a long way in enhancing the quality of life of a horse. No situation remains the same forever. By adopting a proactive, solution-based mindset and trusting that improvements are, in fact, possible, owners can ease their stress and help their horses feel safer and more secure while boarding. Connect with Elisha Edwards on her website Join my email list to be notified about new podcast releases and upcoming webinars. Free Webinar Masterclass: Four Steps to Solving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally Register for Resolving Equine Metabolic Syndrome Naturally, now. Join My Free 4-Part Webinar Series: Become Your Horse’s Healer.Overview of the Program
A Supportive Global Community
How the Course Works
A Holistic Mindset
Practical Horse Care
Advanced Tools for Health
Tackling Common Problems
Real-Life Solutions
Flexible and Easy to Follow
Ready to Join?
Links and resources:
Choosing the Best Available Option
Forage, Freedom, and Friendship
Stall Time and Isolation
Finding Harmony for You and Your Horse
The Emotional Impact of Boarding Conflicts
How Stress Affects Horses
Managing Conflict and Communication
Creating a Low-Stress Environment for Horses
Taking Responsibility and Choosing Battles Wisely
The Bigger Picture: Patience and Adaptation
Links and resources:
Meet your host
Hi there, I’m Elisha Edwards

Meet your host
Hi there, I’m Elisha Edwards
I have helped guide thousands of horses back to good health over the years from a variety of different health challenges. And through my courses, webinars, and speaking engagements I educate and empower horse owner’s from around the world to take charge of their horse’s health using the holistic model of health care.
So I know first-hand how difficult and overwhelming it can be to navigate all the different opinions and conflicting information that you come across especially when your horse is faced with a health problem. In many cases, the journey is just as hard on the owners as it is on the horses.
I started Healing Horses with Elisha to guide you, support you, and encourage you through the process of prevention and recovery so you feel good about the decisions you’re making for them.
Here’s what I believe
I have seen countless horses with seemingly impossible health conditions that have been resolved so easily with the right combination of diet, nutrition, and natural remedies. In many cases, it is not the health conditions that prevents the horse from recovering, it is the lack of education, resources, and options that are available.
If the insight and information you gain from this podcast gives you some newfound hope or inspires you to take
a new approach then it has served it’s purpose.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you improve your horse’s health.
Keep listening and learning. Your horse is worth it.
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What my Listeners are saying

“Every time I think there is no way to top what you do – you elevate us to yet another level. I wish I had a fraction of your communication skills. You’re amazing and I am so grateful to be apart of the magic you are creating for horses and their humans.”

“Your podcasts are fantastic! I get so excited to listen to the next one. I have 6 geriatric horses and your podcast has really opened my mind to new possibilities in their health and given me the strength to help them through hiccups in their well-being the past few months. I have a nursing education and you explain pathology better than my university professors.”

“I can’t thank you enough for the Mindset Tips podcast. I really needed this reminder. It was just what I needed to hear to today.”