07: The Fall Flare Up

This week, I will be covering the fall flare-up.Horses tend to face their most significant health struggles in spring and fall. It happens in spring because the grass sugars increase as the grasses transition from hay, heightening the risk of flare-ups for horses with...

06: Horses and Healing Layers

Today, I will be exploring a concept that I call healing layers. Healing layers is a framework for guiding equine healing while also helping us manage our expectations. The concept is not new to this podcast or my programs, and it often gets used by healers and...

05: Will Your Horse Benefit from a Magnesium Supplement?

In this episode, I explore a widespread nutrient deficiency among horses, focusing on the remarkable benefits of one particular nutrient.  Magnesium has multifaceted properties, making it as indispensable for horses as it is for us as humans. Magnesium...

04: Why Equine Nutrient Requirements are Way Off the Mark

In today’s world, horses live in environments far from their natural habitats, so they often face challenges like insulin resistance, laminitis, and sugar sensitivities. Many frustrated horse owners think they are meeting all the requirements for the health...