45: The Benefits of Chaste Berry for Horses and their Hormones

This week, we are focusing on the benefits of chaste berry.Chaste berry is an herb that ties right into our recent podcasts on the effects of PPID (Cushing’s Syndrome) or hormonal imbalances, as it often gets mentioned in the context of those issues for horses.Origin...

43: Cushing’s Syndrome (PPID) in Horses: What Goes Wrong?

This week, we focus on Cushing syndrome, now known as PPID.There is currently an epidemic of horses being diagnosed with this issue. It is a complex condition involving much chemistry and many hormones. So, I will continue exploring it in the next few...

41: How Long Do I Supplement My Horse For?

This week, we are covering how long owners must continue supplementing their horses.In my courses, on my Facebook groups, and even via emails, horse owners often want to know how long they should supplement their horses after addressing their imbalances with feed...