18: Picky Horses: What they want you to know

Picky eating in horses is a common concern for horse owners. Horses, like people, can be very selective about what they like to eat- particularly after being introduced to a new feeding program containing foods they have never eaten before. Fortunately, most...

17: Protein Deficiencies in Horses: Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Today, we follow on from our last episode, where we spoke about feeding horses alfalfa. In this episode, we focus on protein deficiencies. To assess how effective a horse’s diet is, owners need to identify and recognize any nutritional imbalances. In...

16: Feeding Alfalfa to Horses: What you should know

One of the most widely discussed topics around horse health is food.Today, we focus on alfalfa, a nutritional source that often leaves horse owners with questions because there are so many conflicting opinions on when and how to use it and the right amount to...

15: Homeopathic Arnica for Horses

Last week, I introduced the principles of homeopathy. This week, I explore a practical example of an effective, all-round homeopathic remedy.Arnica is a well-known homeopathic remedy I advise every horse owner to keep on hand because it is versatile, and we can use it...

14: Homeopathy for Horses

We are diving into homeopathy for horses today.I love and appreciate homeopathy, and I am studying to gain the necessary credentials to become a homeopath for humans. Homeopathy often gets misconstrued as synonymous with holistic or natural healing methods. But...