11: Probiotics and Hindgut Health for Horses

This week, I dive into more ways to support a healthy equine microbiome.In the last episode, I explained what a microbiome is and why it is essential for every aspect of a horse’s health. If you have not already done so, I suggest you tune in to that episode to...

10: The Equine Microbiome

Today, I explore the equine microbiome. The microbiome is a crucial aspect of overall equine health. It is an ecosystem in the gut that supports the immune system of horses. It helps them stay healthy by keeping their energy levels up and ensuring they get the...

09: Licorice Root for Horses

This week, I discuss one of the plants I use frequently in my equine health programs. Licorice root is widely known for its unmistakable sweetness and distinct flavor. In addition to being a popular ingredient in the culinary arts, it has many medicinal...